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QPAC’s Out of the Box Wonderbox By Sensorium Theatre
Season Announcements

ootbwonderbox25 Wonderbox Sensorium Theatre, QPAC Festival, Theatre, Family / Kids QPAC’s Out of the Box Wonderbox By Sensorium Theatre
Curiosity, choice, wonder!
Sensorium Theatre – Australia’s leading theatre company making work specifically designed for young audiences with disability and their friends – invites children to roll the dice and set out along a safe, exhilarating pathway into the unknown.
Inside a giant puzzle-box of illusions, kooky-carnival friends with magic in their pockets lead audiences into an immersive multi-sensory wonderland of fantastical large-scale projections, strange tiny delights, and infectious live music. EVERY child’s curiosity is celebrated and rewarded with wondrous surprises.
As boxes reveal boxes within boxes each child is given the opportunity to find a magical version of themselves. Inside the Wonderbox, micro moments of whole worlds in a matchbox lead into macro universes where EVERYONE, their face reflected in the stars of the Milky Way, is invited to be wonderful!
Wonderbox is part of QPAC’s Out of the Box.
Is Wonderbox for my child?
Wonderbox is a multi-sensory immersive theatre performance created with and for children and young people with disability, and their family and friends.
Wonderbox is suitable for audience members 6 years and older.
Each performance of Wonderbox caters for up to 15 children and their carers. The space can accommodate up to 6 wheelchairs users.
What to expect at Wonderbox
All performances of Wonderbox are relaxed performances, with audiences invited to sit or move around freely within the performance space and the adjacent chill-out zone, outside the performance space, which features comfortable seating and minimal sound.
The performers use multi-modal communication including key signs, natural gesture, visual symbols and minimal verbal language. The show is highly visual with a rich aural environment and many opportunities for individual engagement and interaction through the senses.
Sensorium has been making multi-sensory theatre shows for children with disability for over a decade now and are considered leaders in the field internationally. Their performers undergo an extensive training process to develop their capacity to respond and adapt their performance to the access and support needs and communication preferences of each audience member.
About the show
The show themes for Wonderbox are curiosity, choice, wonder.
Audiences are invited to experience the delight of opening boxes and discovering what is inside.
All sorts of sensory experiences will be offered to invite audience members curiosity – the choice to or not to participate or engage is always respected and celebrated.
The show has a soft opening within a space adjacent to the performance area. Here, each child is welcomed and has the opportunity to roll the dice and be sung to by their name.
The adjacent space is also a chill out zone with comfortable seating and minimal stimulation and audience members are welcome to take time out of the performance space whenever they need and to re-enter at any time.
Sensory information
Visual Elements include video projections, infinity boxes and optical illusions.
Sound Elements include live music, singing and instruments (piano, accordion and mandolin) as well as small sound making objects such as music boxes.
Tactile elements include silk, fur, rough textures, there is a foam floor covered in canvas and small stools for sitting on.
Smells that are contained within small boxes and do not permeate the space as a whole.
Kinesthetic Elements – audience members can move freely at all times or sit as desired. At certain times, audience members are invited to participate in dancing and moving, including a game where they can crawl through open boxes. There is no requirement to participate.
Potential Negative triggers
There are no special effects such as smoke machine, bubbles or strobe.
There are no balloons.
There is no total blackout – soft lighting is used throughout.