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QPAC’s Out of the Box Gurril Storm Bird In association with Hymba Yumba Independent School
Season Announcements

ootbfngurrilstormbird25 Gurril Storm Bird QPAC Festival, Family / Kids, First Nations, Theatre QPAC’s Out of the Box Gurril Storm Bird In association with Hymba Yumba Independent School
World Premiere
“Who’s afraid of the Rainbow Serpent?”
Gather around the campfire in the forest to hear the story of Gurril, the young boy who came face to face with the rainbow serpent.
Celebrating the culture of the Gimuy Walubara Yidinji people of Cairns, Gurril Storm Bird recounts how Gurril learns a valuable lesson as he discovers just how powerful Gudju-Gudju is. Adapted from the prize-winning children’s picture book by Trevor (Bumi) Fourmile, this immersive new work features traditional song and movement and is created in collaboration with jarjum (child/ren) from Hymba Yumba Independent School (HYIS), Yidinji Traditional Owners and First Nations creatives.
Presenting a contemporary take on an age-old story, Gurril Storm Bird is an engaging and educational experience of First Nations storytelling.
Gurril Storm Bird is part of QPAC’s Out of the Box.
To book the below accessibility enhanced performances please call QTIX Group Sales: (07) 3840 7466 or email
Auslan Interpreted
- Sat 21 Jun 2025, 10:30 AM
Selected performances are professionally signed by Auslan interpreters.