Musica Viva Australia Esmé Quartet

13 May 2024, 7pm
Conservatorium Theatre, Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University
2 hours
(including interval, subject to change without notice)
$62 - $115

Available Discounts

Concession, Youth, Groups

Eloquent. Spellbinding. Monumental. Exquisite.

How else can we describe the Esmé Quartet? Based in Germany, this young ensemble launched their international career by winning first prize at the 2018 International String Quartet Competition at London’s Wigmore Hall. They then embarked on a whirlwind year of concerts in North America, Hong Kong and Japan.

For their Australian debut they play works which are the epitome of youth: an early work of Webern overflows with romantic invention, while Mendelssohn’s second String Quartet blazes with the heart-on-sleeve emotion of a teenage genius; and young Australian composer Jack Frerer’s Spiral Sequences is an exhilarating roller-coaster ride. Add to this Claude Debussy's only string quartet, brimming with rhythmic and harmonic invention.

Esmé comes from the medieval French word for ‘beloved’. Be among the first to discover why everyone loves Esmé.

Presented by Musica Viva Australia
The lyricism and airy limpidity of the four performers give these movements a profundity and unexpected allure.
Diapason, France

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